Monday, 10 June 2013

How does Barack Obama build a rapport with the audience in a more informal context?

Watch the video I have allocated to you and complete the sheet.

All of you should watch this one!

Heather, Kristen, Corin:

Katy, April, Megan and Georgia:

Charlie, Sophie, Joel and Yasmin:

1st 5 mins - Lito, Adam, Josie, Tom, Dan. 5-10 mins: Megan, Megan and Chloe. 10-15: Evie, Darius, Jacob, Jess, Niall, Jack:


  1. Obama builds a rapport with the audience by involving them. He does this by speaking in second person and using "we". He also uses relaxed body language and hand gestures and talks about his personal life i.e. his family. On the Ellen show, Obama unites the audience by casually dancing and laughing along with them, allowing them to feel as if they have a connection with someone normal-not just the president.
    Chloe and Megan

  2. Barack Obama built a rapport with the audience in a more informal context by talking about everyday topics.
    "do you let yours girls on facebook?". Obama response was informal as he responded like any other dad would. Also Obama was laughing and smiling along with the other parents shows that he wasn't afraid to embarrass himself.

    *Dinner with Barack and Michelle*

  3. He makes jokes in his interviews but still remains sophisticated and still engages in a formal conversation. This has an impact on the audience because it makes them feel as though he is relatable and because they can laugh at the same things. It makes them realise he is a normal person just like everybody else even though he is a very important person. It may make the audience see him as less intimidating because they can have a laugh with him just like you could with a friend.
    April and Katy

  4. makes him seem like an ordinary person by connecting with audience by speaking about his ordinary life, embarrassing himself (dancing) Icebreaker. Is relaxed and talks as if he's not the president but just any other random guy which shows that he is confident in his own abilities. Friendly with the hosts and work as a team which helps to please the audience and overall it makes him connect with the audience.

  5. He exites the audiance by dancing, this embarses himslef and shows the audiance he is willing to gain thier compasion, the confidance in punching shows he is going to do this in confidance, confidance coupled with embarsment brings the audiance to his side as they feel more confidant around him, barak has also used false starts for elen emphisis she is control of the conversation whilste dancing this shows he is humbl, This is all diffrant to his victory speach as here he is tryiung to win the audiance in his ice breaker, in compasment to the use of auidaince to lift his victory

  6. Overall, Obama presents himself as a relaxed and down to earth guy, presenting him as less intimidating and a more humble person than a stuck up President. He does this by being informal and using jokes constantly and thus making his serious points about things like the economy and jobs less serious and involving the less politically knowledgeable but the more average listener.

    Jacob and Niall

  7. Barack Obama's tone helps his rapport with the audience. This creates a feeling of patriotism yet it shows that he is relatable and friendly. His Fillers and hesitations show that his human side other than his politician side. Even when he is being informal, he has a slight informality in his voice; this retains the interest of the audience. This makes him seem relatable and easier to get along with. This also helps the audience understand him better. This seems like Obama is staying true to himself!
